What to Expect from a 7-Month-Old Baby
How to Take Care of Your Child in Their Eighth Month of Life
Get ready, parents — when your baby turns 7 months old, they’re officially on the move! You may be amazed at the independence your little one is showing in everything from playtime to feeding. It’s a big change from where you were just a few months ago.
When it comes to 7-month-old baby milestones, what to expect from your child may be different from others their age. While most babies at seven months are growing in their independence and mobility, they often do it at different speeds — and that’s completely okay. Whether your baby is actively building leg strength to take their first steps, is crawling rapidly, or is still scooting their cute booty across the floor, take it in stride and enjoy it.
It’s normal to have questions about how to care for your 7-month-old, especially when it comes to things like feeding a 7-month-old or knowing how much sleep a seven-month-old should get. When in doubt, always talk to your pediatrician; they can give you the best advice regarding your baby’s development. In the meantime, learn a bit more about what to expect from a 7-month-old baby below.
What to Expect from a 7-Month-Old Baby: Important Milestones
As your baby becomes more mobile, they will get into everything — which means renewed baby-proofing of your house is incredibly important at this age. If they aren’t already, your baby will soon be crawling across the floor, and their curiosity will result in them grabbing and bringing many things to their mouth. You’d be surprised at how quickly a 7-month-old can grab and swallow something they shouldn’t.
Therefore, as you prepare for the important milestone of crawling, reinvest in your baby-proofing techniques. Get down on your hands and knees and see exactly what your baby can get into — and then protect them with the necessary measures.
In addition to crawling, what to expect from a seven-month-old baby will include:
- An ability to feed independently: Some 7-month-olds can take control of their own eating at this stage. They may be able to hold and drink from a sippy cup on their own, and they may even be able to eat from a spoon.
- Their first teeth: Between five and seven months is the time when your baby’s first teeth will pop through their gums. Make sure to provide them with plenty of teething toys or cold washcloths to alleviate the discomfort they feel. Once your baby’s first teeth have emerged, brush them daily with a baby toothbrush.
- The concept of object permanence: As your baby’s memory develops, so will their concept of object permanence. This means your baby knows an object still exists, even when it’s hidden — and it’s a concept they’ll apply to you, as well. In turn, your baby may start to have separation anxiety when you leave.
Remember, if your baby doesn’t hit all these milestones in their eighth month of life, don’t worry. As long as your pediatrician determines they are developing normally, your baby will get there in their own time.
How to Take Care of a 7-Month-Old: Getting Started
Your baby won’t just be independent in regards to their mobility; at 7 months old, babies are increasingly independent in their feeding and sleeping schedule, too. But, that doesn’t mean that they don’t need your help!
As you get used to your baby’s new independence, you may find that the way you take care of them during their eighth month of life will change, too. You may have a lot of questions, such as “How much should a 7-month-old sleep?” or “What can I feed my 7-month-old?” Don’t forget that your pediatrician is always there to help, even though your baby won’t need another checkup for a few more months.
But, if you’re struggling with knowing what to expect from a 7-month-old baby and their daily routine, you can find some helpful information below.
What is a 7-Month-Old’s Feeding Schedule Like?
At this point, your baby should be eating some solid foods, unless you are directed otherwise by your pediatrician. Your 7-month-old baby’s feeding schedule will also include breastmilk or formula. How much of each food source you include will likely be up to your baby’s preferences.
Often, new parents wonder what to feed a 7-month-old baby. What solid foods are good for a child of this age? Babies of this age typically eat around three meals of solid food a day, although how much they eat will be up to them. It’s a good idea to include variety in your baby’s 7-month-old feeding schedule with solids. Choose nutritious foods that are soft or runny enough for your baby to eat without danger of choking but thick enough to help your child adjust to new textures and learn how to chew. Always keep an eye out for signs of an allergic reaction after introducing a new food to your child’s schedule.
At this point, your baby can probably support themselves when sitting — so break out that high chair and start including your baby at family meals!
What is a 7-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule Like?
While every baby’s sleep routine is different, many 7-month-olds have hit the milestone of sleeping through the night — which is a relief for their parents. A baby this age will also take a few naps during the day.
But sometimes your 7-month-old won’t sleep, or you’ll put them down for the night only to be awakened a few hours later. What gives?
Your baby may be experiencing 7-month-old sleep regression. This happens for several reasons: They may be extra hungry during a growth spurt, they may be in discomfort because of teething pain, or they may simply be ready to practice their rolling, creeping and crawling at an inopportune time. As frustrating as this can be, continue sleep-training your 7-month-old and building positive habits. Helping your child learn how to soothe themselves to sleep will make sure that even if they do wake up during the night they can return to sleep without needing to wake you up.
It’s normal to be worried about what to expect from a 7-month-old — and whether your baby measures up to where he or she is “supposed” to be. Remember, parenting is a journey, and your baby is taking you on a unique one that may or may not fit your expectations. Always speak to your pediatrician if you have any serious concerns, but don’t forget to enjoy the new journey you and your child are taking together!