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Wondering what to expect from a 2-month-old baby? Or how caring for a 2-month-old baby is different from the first two months of life? Find tips and hints for your baby’s third month of life here.

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How to Take Care of a Two-Month-Old Baby

What to Expect During Your Baby’s Third Month of Life

As your baby enters into his or her third month of life, many things in your everyday routine will remain the same. In many ways, a two-month-old baby is not that different from a one-month-old or a three-month-old — but, when you look back months from now, you’ll see unique things in every stage of your child’s development. In fact, as a new parent, you’re probably counting every unique milestone happening each week!

At this point, you are probably becoming more and more comfortable with being a new parent. Still, you may be unsure of how to approach caring for a 2-month-old baby. What is normal, and what should you be worried about? What are some of the big changes you can expect when your baby is between eight and 12 weeks old?

In this article, you’ll find some 2-month-baby-care tips to alleviate your concerns. If you have been successful in the last two months of your baby’s life, you will be likely fine when it comes to two-month-old-baby care. Still, it never hurts to be prepared!

What to Expect from a 2-Month-Old Baby: Important Milestones

At this point in your child’s life, you’ve probably begun to identify exactly what they like and don’t like. After all, they are certainly skilled at letting you know. Who knew such small humans could make such a great amount of noise?

Fortunately (and unfortunately), your baby is at the peak of their crying career when they hit the two-month mark. It’s normal to be worried if your baby starts crying longer and harder than before, but remember that this is to be expected. Your baby may not always be crying when they need something; they may be overwhelmed by stimuli, overtired or just want reassurance. One of the most important parts of how to take care of a two-month-old baby during one of these crying spells is to take a deep breath and try to keep your cool. Never shake a baby to get them to stop crying, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need a break during this time. In most cases, your instincts as a parent will be on the mark; it may just take some extra time for your baby to calm down.

During your baby’s third month of life, you can also expect their involuntary grasp reflex to be replaced by a deliberate grip. This can be exciting for you; your baby can start holding onto rattles and other small (but safe) toys to entertain themselves.

You’ll also get some giggles from watching your child start to notice their toes and fingers for the first time. Your child will track the movement of their appendages and anything else close to their face as their vision continues to develop — another fun thing on your list of what to expect from a 2-month-old baby.

Your baby may need updates on some immunizations during their third month of life. Make sure you talk to your pediatrician about this schedule, as well as about any concerns you may have in identifying what to expect from a two-month-old.

How to Take Care of a Two-Month-Old Baby: Getting Started

Here’s the good news: Knowing how to take care of a two-month-old baby won’t be that difficult, as it’s very similar to taking care of a baby in their first two months of life. The not-so-great news? Your baby will still keep you on your toes with little to no established schedule for their day.

Hang in there, new mom or dad — it will get easier eventually!

2-Month-Old Feeding Schedule

It’s normal for parents to be concerned about how much their new addition is eating. You may ask: How much formula for a 2-month-old per feeding is appropriate? How often should I feed my two-month-old baby? How do I know if my baby is eating enough?

Just as it was during your child’s first few months of life, it’s difficult to say exactly how much and how often to feed a two-month-old baby. Your baby will let you know that he or she is hungry, so keep feeding them as long as those signs (smacking lips, suckling, crying) continue. When your baby is full, he or she will turn away, get distracted or fall asleep. That means he or she has had enough to eat. You can always talk to your pediatrician to ensure your baby is gaining enough weight for their age.

At this point, you should only be feeding your two-month-old baby breastmilk or formula (unless instructed otherwise by your pediatrician). You still have a few months to go until you are able to introduce water and solid foods into your baby’s diet.

2-Month-Old Sleep Schedule

On the same note, the sleep schedule for a 2-month-old is fairly nonexistent at this point. If you’re wondering how much a 2-month-old should sleep, most babies at this age sleep about 15-and-a-half hours per day.

How long your baby sleeps will be up to them; every baby is unique, and what works for one won’t work for another. However, you may be among the few lucky parents whose babies sleep for five- to six-hour stretches at night. If your baby is still waking up every few hours, that is normal; don’t try to force a 2-month-old’s sleep pattern into something it isn’t.

Again, if you have any concerns about your two-month-old’s sleep schedule (or any aspects of caring for a 2-month-old baby), don’t be afraid to talk to your pediatrician. Every baby has their own schedule, and it can be confusing for new parents to know what to expect from a two-month-old and what to be worried about. Remember, there are always resources to help — but don’t forget to take the time and enjoy this short period in your new baby’s life at the same time!